Tuesday 5 June 2012

I like my cat, Florence

This is my cat Florence. We think she's some sort of Siberian Forest Cat mix. She's really fluffy and I think she's beautiful.

I really like all animals and cats are one of my favourites. There's a lot to love about cats.   

Florence, beautiful though she is, is a constant source of entertainment thanks to her spoilt attitude and 'dim nature', shall we say!

(She won't sit with you unless she chooses to, if you disturb her she'll give you a soft whack and she is the queen bee of the pets (and maybe the humans?)

She's also a bit stupid so there's a lot of funny stories about her. Example: last week she saw a sparrow land on some pond weed so jumped in the pond herself. She was not impressed with being wet!)

She will sleep anywhere and everywhere (and every-how, too!)

As long she's warm, she's happy!

And that is my little, fluffy cat, Florence (or Flo, Fluffence, Princess, Floflo etc. etc.)

She's pretty.